量 程:0~100PA
耐 压:1000Pa
工作温度:-20 ~ 85℃
长蓝管嘴( ):连接到高压端(传感器安装在前世)
控制器寿命: 10万次
电气等级: 24 VDC /0.3A
当消防前室或楼梯间的通风压力或压差超过设定值(前室25~30Pa,楼梯间40-50Pa)时,Working principle of itive pressure air supply pressure sensor: under normal circumstances, the itive pressure air supply fan pressurizes the air supply into the air shaft through the air duct (Green Arrow Direction) ,楼梯间前室压力传感器生产厂, the compressed air is then sent to the front room or stairwell of each floor through the shutters or the air valve. When the ventilation pressure or pressure difference in the fire chamber or Stairwell exceeds the set value (25 ~ 30 PA in the Front Chamber and 40-50 PA in the stairwell) , the pressure sensor located on each floor immediately sends a signal to the by-pass pressure relief valve control box, the by-pass Pressure Relief Valve control box opens the by-pass pressure relief valve according to the pressure
压力压差传感器用于探测气体压力压差的设备,楼梯间前室压力传感器生产商,量程范围:30Pa~300Pa,通过定制自由设定控制压力,完全满足各种型号机组滤网堵塞报警要求,用户可自由选择使用常开或常闭节点,安装简易,顶盖仅需一个固定螺丝,联合支架便于垂直水平安装,气体压差开关 空气压差开关 过滤网压差开关 差压开关 微压差传感器 压力压差传感器 声光报警传感器 液晶数显传感器 代工贴牌
紫旭空调没有中间商-楼梯间前室压力传感器生产厂由武城县豪鲁邦空调设备有限公司提供。武城县豪鲁邦空调设备有限公司实力不俗,信誉可靠,在山东 德州 的继电器等行业积累了大批忠诚的客户。豪鲁邦空调带着精益求精的工作态度和不断的完善创新理念和您携手步入**,共创美好未来!